Thursday, October 2, 2008


Since my last post was so long, I decided to just post videos and images I thought were funny with just a few words for context. Enjoy!

Sarah Palin's Facebook Profile. You can click on it to make it bigger.

A photo of McCain by Jill Greenberg. This is an extra from her photshoot of him for the cover of Atlantic Monthly. She photoshoped in the text and lipstick. This is one of a few she did and some are MUCH worse. She posted them on her website (now taken down) and received death threats because of them AND was not paid for the photoshoot.

I heart Tina Fey

In case you missed it and need 90 minutes shaved down to 10. My friends made a drinking game out of every time she said "maverick." They probably would have consumed more alcohol had they included everytime she winked at the camera and didn't actually answer the question or just got information wrong. My Grandad said the media was calling her "Hurricane Sarah category 6" (Bless his heart, he watches FOX News). He asked if I like her (I think that answer is clear from this post), I said I didn't because I don't vote for people who want to oppress me and make rape victims pay for their rape kits and have their rapists' babies.

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